Specialized Fields
TPS started out as a corporate translation/publishing division handling large-volume documentation for electronic switching systems, for translation from Japanese into English and Spanish, and vice versa. Our services have since branched into a diversity of fields. Below lists some of the fields for which TPS has provided its services. (For confidentiality reasons, client names are withheld.)
Devices and other electronics
Custom LSIs, steppers (semiconductor exposure apparatus), data storage, printers, fax machines, scanners, OCR, ultrasound imaging, electronic measuring instrumentation, electron microscopy, semiconductor inspection, medical equipment, image analysis, image management, image measurement, cell culture observation devices
Document management systems, application development support software, groupware, supply chain planning, data warehousing, database management, universal application platform products, finger vein authentication, information leakage prevention software, integrated system management middleware, authentication server programs, distributed management middleware, security management, game frameworks
Communication: GPS, IP-PBX, PHS, videoconferencing, mobile phones
Mobile: LTE, Femtocell, CDMA, WiMAX, TDMA, WIPAS, WLL, FWA
Communication networks
ITS (Intelligent Transport Systems), FL-NET, RAID storage, SAN, servers/blade servers, network management systems, broadband gateways, routers/switches, server-side platforms
Information control systems
Power IT solutions, power protection/control systems, power electronics, high-pressure
direct inverters, programmable controllers, memory management tools, real-time control servers, industrial computers (incl. Linux-based), information control platforms, computer numerical control (CNC)
Other fields
Digital transformation, Internet of Things (IoT), information and communications technology (ICT), artificial intelligence (AI), big data, e-commerce, ISO, plant control, electronic money systems, contactless IC cards, digital copyright management systems, railway standards, medical equipment, ocean research and development, food analysis equipment, aeronautical systems, AED (automatic external defibrillators), image drawing engines, ECG (electrocardiographs), EEG (electroencephalographs), artificial respirators, medical monitors, patient monitoring systems, ECG analyzers, passenger systems, RFID, Eco-Cute (natural-refrigerant, heat pump water heaters)