Machine translation post-editing (MTPE)
We now provide post-editing services for English-to-Japanese machine translations. While technologies such as generative AI make machine translation an attractive option, it’s only natural to have concerns about accuracy and quality. Before taking on a post-edit, we’ll determine whether your machine translation and its intended use are a good match for MTPE.
Determining the necessity and required extent of MTPE
Machine translation’s greatest advantage over manual translation is the ability to generate results instantly. However, output accuracy varies, and there’s still the question of whether MTPE is suitable to your needs.
Whether MTPE is right for you depends on the quality of the machine translation and the purpose of the translation. Before starting a project, we’ll hold a consultation with you to assess the feasibility and necessity of MTPE, and the extent of editing required.
Proposed solutions based on output quality of machine translation
If output quality is low, making MTPE infeasible:
→ We will propose a manual translation.
If output quality is high enough to make MTPE feasible (though quality level can vary):
→ We will consult with you about the extent of editing (e.g., only correct mistranslations and omissions; also unify terms and expressions; also rewrite expressions to sound more natural). If the editing required is equivalent to or more labor-intensive than a manual translation, we will propose a manual translation.
Start with a consultation.